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Showing posts from April, 2016

Meal Prep Tips for Newbies: Top Meal Prep Ideas You NEED to Help You Stay Energetic Fit and Healthy

Meal Prep Tips:  Top 10 Meal Prep Ideas to Get Through Cleanse and Shake Days and Help You Stay Energetic Fit and Healthy Help!! How do I get started with MEAL Prep!!? It sounds so intimidating, right? ;) Where do you start when you've never done meal prep before but you want to get started with planning out your meals? Believe me! I get it!!   S taying on track when you've committed to getting energetic, fit and healthy, can often be easier said than done, right!? But don't worry... it's actually not as hard as you might think.  And one of the things I've noticed is that meal prep can literally make or break your success in terms of making good choices and eating right! So, first of all what is Meal Prep and why can it be so important? Meal prep is simply planning and preparing all of your meals for the week in advance so that when it's time to eat, your healthy meal is already done and ready to go! But, again, don...

Is Your Protein Powder Safe? Choosing the Best Protein Powder and What You Should Be Looking for!

With the promise of losing weight, building lean muscle, and getting  Energetic Fit and Healthy , it's easy to see why protein powders, shakes and smoothies are such a popular option.   But is your protein powder safe?    Many of the protein powders and shakes available in the marketplace today have ingredients, preservatives and additives that are unhealthy and unsafe.  (Soy and Sucralose being 2 of the BIGGEST Culprits out there!) While there can be some great options as well, it is important to know exactly what to look for when choosing the Best protein powder for you! What You Should be Looking for in a Healthy Protein Powder: 1-  Type of Protein Source:   First of all it's important to know what kind of protein is being used in your protein powder.   The 3 of the Best kinds of protein sources are: UNdenatured, New Zealand Whey Protein- grass fed, hormone-free Whey protein (not cheap, poor quality whey)   (Cli...