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Showing posts from January, 2016

Shawn and Emily Stoik's Secret for helping people Earn While You Burn!

What do you need to look for in a Top Wellness Company Home Business? Check out my favorite #WorkoutSecretWeapons for maintaining my shape and staying #EnergeticFitandHealthy :-D Here's how we help people Earn while they Burn- taking back control of their health and finances while gaining the time freedom to enjoy more of Both! :-D We'll be LIVE again TONIGHT via ZOOM but if you can't join us live tonight, watch THIS! ;) #fitmom #fitdad #fitcouple #fitspiration #transformyourbody #leanbody #toneitup #earnwhileyouburn #designyourlife #startyourlife #nutritionalcleansing #financialfreedom #transformyourlife

How Can I Get More Out of My Workouts? Top 5 Ways to Amp Up Your Workouts with Nutrition Timing

Whether you're a long time gym rat or a newbie to the workout scene, we all want to get the most out of our exercise time, right?   One of the questions I get asked all the time is, "How can I get more out of my workouts?"  or how can I maximize the effectiveness of my exercise time? In the same 60 minutes you could walk or jog outside or take a class at the gym, hit the weights or get in some cardio on the machines.  But how do you know what will make the most difference and what else can you do to ensure that you have as much energy, endurance, strength and power as you'd like to really power through that workout time? 5 Important Ways to Amp Up Your Workouts: Mix it up:    Believe it or not, many people get stuck in a workout rut and do  the  exact same thing, in the exact same order, every time they workout.  Don’t stick to the same workout routine for too long, or your body will get used to what you're doing and after awhi...

Top Health and Fitness Trends for 2016: Top 10 Trends to Help You Get Energetic Fit and Healthy in 2016

So, you've probably noticed... Top health and fitness trends for 2016 are vying for our attention, like crazy, all over social media!! But, it can be so hard to know which ones are just fads and which will have legitimate value and staying power well into the future... but here are a few of the top health and fitness trends for 2016 to pay attention to, that will likely be the most helpful to keep you  energetic fit and healthy  this year and beyond... What are the Top Fitness, Health and Wellness Trends for 2016? 1-  Online Wellness Info:   According to Pew Research, 72% of internet users say they looked online for health information of one kind or another within the past year. This includes searches related to serious conditions, general information searches, and searches for minor health problems. In fact the third most popular activity people do online—right behind checking email and using a search engine—is looking for answers to h...